How You Can Treat & Prevent Heartburn – Follow 5 Natural Ways

If you usually get Heartburn then you know the feeling of a burning and uncomfortable sensation in your chest and throat due to Acid Reflux. It could have been after something you ate especially fatty, spicy and fried foods or you might have GERD. Unfortunately, you’re not alone experiencing this problem, as around 60 million Americans have the symptoms of Acid Reflux on monthly basis, according to Healthline. Around 50 million people experience burning sensation in their throat, mid-chest and stomach every day. While there are medications available to reduce the symptoms, there are various natural ways that can not only alleviate the symptoms of Heartburn but also prevent them.
- Chewing Gum:
Chewing gum is effective to soothe the Heartburn because it helps in producing saliva which acts as a barrier to stomach acidic contents. It also allows you to swallow more which pushes back the stomach acid that is brining upwards in throat from esophagus.
- Eat Less:
Instead of eating 3 big meals in a day, try to eat smaller 5-6 meals throughout the day. According to Reflux MD, if you control your meal portions by dividing them then it will not only prevent Acid Reflux symptoms but you will also more likely to start losing weight. You must eat when you first wake up in the morning to stabilize the blood sugar level. Moreover, it is also recommended to eat slowly which helps in reducing the symptoms.
- Drink Baking Soda Cocktail:
Baking soda or Sodium Bicarbonate has high pH level and that is why it neutralizes stomach acid and prevents Heartburn. According to Everyday Roots, mix a teaspoon of baking soda in full 8 oz. glass of water and drink this baking soda cocktail before eating a meal or at the first feeling of Heartburn. Make sure not to consume 7-8 teaspoons of baking soda in any period of 24 hours because high salt content in it can cause nausea and swelling.
- Drink Tea Made Of Fresh Ginger Roots:
Central Food Technological Research Institute in Mysore, India conducted a study in which it has found that ginger is more effective in treating Acid Reflux as compared to medications such as acid blockers. The roots of ginger have enzymes that naturally breakdown amino acids and that is why it is effective natural remedy. Ginger also has an added benefit of being antiviral, antibacterial and anti-parasitic. In order to soothe the Heartburn, simply make a tea with fresh, peeled and grated ginger roots and boiled water.
- Eat Almonds As Dessert:
Eating 2-3 almonds after a meal can effectively quell Heartburn because they contain alkalis that neutralize stomach acid. Almond milk and almond butter also are more useful to treat the burning sensation that you feel. Drinking a smoothie made of almonds and milk in the morning prevents Heartburn throughout the day.
Heartburn is the symptom of Acid Reflux and GERD, which is a chronic form of Acid Reflux, so if you experiencing Heartburn 2-3 times in a week or whether it has prolonged for more than 2 weeks than consult the specialist before the condition becomes severe. The specialists at GI Endoscopy Practice are well-experienced gastroenterologists who treat various digestive disorders with a proper treatment plan.
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