How Can You Prevent Gallstones by Following 3 Best Preventive Measures?

Gallbladder is a small, sac-shaped organ that stores bile, an enzyme to digest the food and it is made in the liver. The small particles that form in the gallbladder are known as Gallstones. Usually these stones are harmless and often do not cause any pain but when the gallbladder becomes too large that it blocks the bile duct -a tube that carries bile to small intestine – and prevents the bile to move from the gallbladder to small intestine where it is needed to breakdown the food then a patient may need to have a surgery for treatment of Gallstones. Obviously, this is a situation that majority of patients prefer to avoid, leaving them to wonder: how can I prevent Gallstones?



Cholesterol plays an important role in the formation of stones in gallbladder and so it is recommended to avoid eating too many such foods that are high in saturated fat content. These foods include meat pies, sausages, and fatty cuts of meat, ghee, butter, lard, cheese, cream, cakes, biscuits and food containing palm or coconut oil. Your diet should be balanced and healthy which means to eat a combination of fresh fruits and vegetables with whole grains. It has also been observed that eating nuts regularly especially peanuts and cashews help is reducing the risk of developing the problem. Moreover, consuming small amounts of alcohol also helps to reduce the risk of developing the condition. However, drinking a large quantity of alcohol such as more than 14 units per week is not advisable because it can lead to serious liver problems and other conditions. If you feel difficulties in maintaining a balanced and healthy diet then talk to the doctor or nutritionist.


People who are overweight or obese are at high risk of developing the problem because obesity increases the amount of cholesterol in the bile resulting in formation of stones. So, if you need to lose weight then do it slowly and steadily because losing weight through quick-weight-loss-diets disrupts your bile chemistry which causes the risk of stones in gall bladder especially in women. A more gradual weight loss plan is recommended by the doctors. Make sustainable changes and lose your weight at a healthy pace and this steady rate will not only helps to reduce risk but also proves to be effective in maintaining a healthy weight.


Exercise is not only significant for all aspects of your health but it also helps in reducing the risk of developing the condition. Exercise regularly lower the levels of cholesterol and triglyceride, a type of fat found in the blood, which is a best preventive measure. Exercise along with a healthy balanced diet is an effective way to stay healthy and maintain a healthy weight.

If you’re experiencing the symptoms of Gallstones or diagnosed with the disease then consult GI Endoscopy Practice specialists so that you will be able to get a proper and timely medical treatment of Gallstones. The board certified physicians have experienced in treating gastrointestinal system problems with personalized care that makes you feel comfortable during the whole treatment process.

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