

Constipation can be defined as infrequent or hard stools, or difficulty in evacuating stool. Passing one or more soft, bulky stools every day is a desirable goal. While troublesome, constipation is not usually a serious disorder. However, there may be other underlying problems causing constipation and, therefore, testing is often recommended.

Constipation is often caused by a lazy colon that does not contract properly and fails to move the stool to the rectum. The colon also can become spastic and remain contracted for a prolonged time. In this case, stool cannot move along. Constipation also can result from a mechanical obstruction, such as tumors or advanced diverticulosis. Pregnancy, certain drugs, thyroid hormone deficiency, the chronic abuse of laxatives, travel, and stress can also lead to constipation.

Because there are many causes of constipation, treatment depends on the physician’s findings and diagnosis. After serious problems are excluded, chronic constipation usually responds to simple measures, such as adding fiber, bran or a bulking agent to the diet.

General guidelines as best treatment for constipation include: eating regularly, drinking plenty of liquids each day, regular walking and performing exercise. In particular, patients should respond to the urge to defecate. Retaining stool at this point will aggravate the condition. Foods that are high in roughage, bran and fiber are essential in correcting and preventing constipation. Bulking Agents, various laxatives and promotility agents are useful in constipation treatment. Chronic use of stimulant laxatives should be avoided. Occasional use of enemas would be helpful, too. Constipation surgery is also recommended for treatment.

We offer an effective treatment for constipation at the convenient location in Riverdale NJ.


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